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AFA Membership Matters


Theres an American Farrier's Association membership drive June and July! This means that new members will get 3 free months of membership when they sign up for a year when they fill out "Katie Panos" as the referring farrier. So for the next two months we'll post about why being an AFA member is worth it. My first point is a story about the social bonds and benefits. A few weeks ago my apprentice and I went down to Georgia from Connecticut to go get my new filly. In about Virginia, my trailer door bracket snapped and my upper door was just flapping in the wind. We ended up being near Virginia Tech. Travis Burns, an AFA friend, mentor, and leader, was on vacation so he couldn't help us but he did set us up with Jeff Crane, who I had not met before but is another AFA member. He not only fixed my trailer, but also put us up for the night! My AFA network is invaluable not only for farriery but because I have a national network of support in general!

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